Jumat, 23 November 2007

tugas (inggris)


150 years ago,people would propbly be suprised if knowing that people could communicated in a long distance even milion kilometers.

Now,we use electrical current and electromagnetic waves to send and receive a messagel such as telephone,faxmail,radio,tv and computer.This metod of sendig and receiving a message is called telecomunication.

American scientist,ALEXANDER GRAHAM BELL,believed that electrikcal current could be used to crry sound to the distant place.

The sound which vibrated on air were called sound waves.The sounds waves were different from others.There were hard,soft and there was vibrating one very faster than others.The sound s could creep by the signalof electrical current through a cable.

When speaking uses telephone,the sound waves of voice makes a diaphragm dise.Which fibrates very fast.The diaphragm presse carbon ore behund the disk when moving into and closing each other.

the electrical current would be easier to flowed through the carbon. The change of its electricalcurrent wouldweaker more or less 1000 per seconds.

When the electrical current flowed through the wires, the electrical magnet press the diaphragm inside the ear opf telephone receiver. The current became strong or weak and the diapragm is flowing over or flating making vibration which produced the sound waves that could be heard.

Radio is technology in the form of signal sending by the electrical waves modulation. The waves can creep on air and airtight space.
Radio waves is a form of electrical magnet radiation formed when material that contains of electric is accelerated by usng frecuency which is on the radio frecuency.
Electromagnet waves whose frecuency are above radio waves is gamma-ray, x-ray, infrared, ultraviolet, and real light.
Marconi is the finder of communication radio in 1895. After 7 years, radio waves had been found by Heinrich Hertz.

Television is a communication tool whose function is to capture pictorial broadcast. Televisipn comes from words”tele”(long) and “vision”(real), so, television means to see from a long distance.
Television is the same as radio because it can change the culture of the world.
In the discovery of TV, many were involved both individually and TV companies.

Computer is a tool used to search an information, save, and counting a file. At the beginning, it described people whose job was to calculate an aritmatic calculation without aidt-devices. But, Now it is for the need to something which has nothing to do with mathematics.

Computer set is divided into two parts namely hardware and software. The hardware is a part which forms a set of computer such as keyboard, monitor,mouse, printer, scanner,and CD writer. The hardware is out side of casing. The softawre is an intruction or programm which makes the computer work.

The example of daily use of computer in thelife is ATM.

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